Meet Dale




I always hated writing these things. Like…

What do I say in a short section to really get you to understand my character, nature, hopes & dreams? I’m trying to figure out if it means anything to you that I attended Auburn University? War eagle, by the way.

Do you want to know if I’m married? Yes

Do you want to know if I have children? Girldad x 2. Almost an empty nester.

Or how about I’m an excellent poet? Remind me to share that with you one day.

Nah. You probably just want to know why I’m doing this and why you should listen to what I have to say.

The answer to that is simply…..


My call and comission is of Him. It was not my idea. But, it did make growing up interesting.

Ever since I was 12 or 13, all I wanted was the wife God had for me. We had long conversations about it throughout the years. And everybody could see the li’l christian Romeo in me (the in-love, devout Shakespeare Romeo. Not the playa Romeo).

I carried my Bible to school (the good-looking, Bible-toting boy), skipped school to go to church, and stopped hanging with friends so I could spend time with God, all while being the one they ran to to write poems and love letters for their girlfriends.

Sounds great, right?

Not always.

See, being that different meant that I wasn’t interested in the same things as everyone else my age and my conversation was different. I was well-liked, but still viewed as different. So , who does one called of God talk to?

I was depressed, heartbroken, and lonely. I just wanted someone I could share the love of God with, who completely saw me-all of me-and understood my conversation and journey.

It was difficult

Yet, The Word carried me through and made me beautiful. Everytime I opened The Bible I saw relationships-no matter the scripture-as God would just talk to me. I knew early on this was my lane. This is what I’m wired to see. And I would love to share with you everything God has shown me. Because I believe it was for you, He has allowed me to understand all of this.


My Mission

“Be strong and of good courage,for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore  to their fathers to give them.”

Jos. 1:6

This scripture forms the foundation of what I believe God has called me to do. In Gen 12, God promised to lead Abraham to a land that He was going to give Abraham  and his seed. In that land tremendous blessings would be manifested. In Deu 6:3, that land is referred to as “a land flowing with milk and honey”. Later, in Song of Solomon 4:11, he describes the love of his life as having honey and milk under her tongue. And he refers to her a garden-his garden (Song 4:12-16).

I believe that when all these scriptures are applied to relationships, we get a chance to see what God’s intent is concerning relationships. He wants to lead a man, who carries seed, to the garden, or wife, that He has prepared for him. That way, Gen 1:27-28 is being fulfilled. Every relationship will then be fruitful and multiply. It will fill the earth and subdue it, all while exercising dominion. Marriage for God is a supernatural system of seedtime and harvest. Its a system that Satan wants to pervert. Whoever controls this system controls the culture of this world.

If you put the right seed in the right ground, a righteous harvest is automatic and God’s kingdom flourishes. However, if you put the wrong seed in the wrong ground, the result is death, and the kingdom of darkness increases. My mission, therefore, is to increase the Kingdom of God by leading every man to the wife God promised him and helping every woman receive her appointed husbandman.

Join me on this journey.

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